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What programs are included?

This program is a great start point for those looking to embark on their golf fitness journey or if you’re starting back in the gym after some time off. A 3 day per week program utilizing a combination of strength and mobility to have you swinging more freely with more power and consistency!

This program builds on the foundations laid during the 101 program and introduces progressions to movement so you continue to increase strength, stability and mobility.

This program will further progress on the foundations laid in the 101 and 202 programs and continue to develop the mobility, stability and strength required for more power and consistency in your golf swing!

A combination of weights and speed work designed to have you swinging the driver faster than you ever have. This combination of weights and plyometrics will ensure you build muscle and speed in the right muscles for speed in your swing!

Perfect for those who have access to very limited equipment. Whether it be a DB, KB, bands or a barbell. Build strength, mobility and stability by using this limited equipment in certain ways which will increase your strength and mobility and improve consistency in your golf swing!

A program made specifically for those who have no equipment. A combination of bodyweight strength and mobility exercises to build mobility and strength for the golf swing. Perfect for those who have no equipment at home or travel for work/leisure and want something to do from the hotel room.

A selection of full body warm ups to get you ready for either your round or workout. Targeting the key areas for the golf swing you will no longer need to second guess what to do before practice or playing your next round!

This program builds on the Intermediate program. A full body split program which introduces new sets and rep ranges and variables to keep you progressing over time by providing a new stimulus for the body and continuing progress in your mobility, stability and strength. In order to get the best results from this program you will have access to a full gym set up.

A step up from the 101-202-303 programs. Using a full body split method you will train the whole body each session. Each day consists of mobility, strength, speed/power and core/rotation work. In order to get the best results from this program you will have access to a full gym set up.

Sore back? Weak core? No any more!! A selection of strength work to address the core muscles which protect the spine and lower back and also increase your rotational strength which will also increase your driving distance and consistency!

A selection of mobility routines broken into specific areas of the body. Shoulders, thoracic and hips. All areas golfers lack rotation and cause numerous swing faults. Learn how to address your range of motion limitations by following these programs.